Download Unc0ver to Jailbreak iOS 12.1.2
Jailbreak iOS 12 - 12.1.2 Unc0ver Download Links
The unc0ver Jailbreak for iOS 12.1.2 and earlier versions of iOS 12 is finally available to download! This is an always up-to-date article that contains the download links for the iOS 12 jailbreak. Everything you need to jailbreak iOS 12.1.2 on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch can be found here. Download the unc0ver app (Undecimus .IPA), Cydia Impactor, and iTunes through this one page.
As mentioned above, this is an auto-updating page so the download links are always fresh. This is your one-stop URL for downloading everything pertaining to the iOS 12 through 12.1.2 jailbreak. We recommend bookmarking this page for future use when new jailbreak updates are released.
How to Jailbreak iOS 12.1.2 (and below)
For those seeking jailbreak steps after downloading all the necessary components (linked below), visit our Jailbreak Tutorial (click here).
Jailbreak iOS 12.1.2 Download Links
Download Unc0ver Jailbreak by clicking here.
NOTE: When downloading uncover, scroll down and download the latest Undecimus v3 .ipa (it’s at the bottom under assets).[adinserter block=”4″]
Download Cydia Impactor to install Unc0ver by clicking here.
To generate App-specific passwords, for impactor, click or tap here.
[adinserter block=”5″]
Download iTunes to ensure you can use Cydia Impactor by clicking here.
[adinserter block=”6″]Download the tvOS profile here if you have issues with OTA updates (visit on your iDevice itself).
[adinserter block=”7″]iOS 12 Jailbreak Downloads Refreshed on:
After the iOS 12 Jailbreak
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for complete coverage on top Cydia tweaks, updates to the primary Unc0ver jailbreak .ipa, and more.
This is really good to see. In this article, you will get the download links for the iOS 12 jailbreaks. Hope the information on this article really helpful to all.
12.1.4?!?! I don’t know how to locate the jailbreak, please help
PS. Two iPhone 6 and an iPad Mini 3. All same symptoms. One iPhone on ios 12, the other iphone and ipad on ios 11. Only tried uninstalling unc0ver on ios 11 iphone so far. Thanks.
Have been following your wonderful advice and information for years. Fantastic! Thank you!
First time posting a question so I appologize if this is not the right venue but I am not on the listed media links for contact.
Today my Unc0ver failed to start since installing when it came out via Tweakbox. Worked and re-jailbroke flawlessly until today. It said it was no longer Trusted. Profile still active. Tried uninstalling Unc0ver app and re-installing including TweakBox profile and App but Unc0ver will not install. Cydia still present but of course won’t operate without jailbreak being installed. Please help? Thank you.
Tried to re-install (wired) the Undecimus b46 ipa today and keep getting a failure. Using Impactor 9.51. Error message:
file: installation.cpp; line: 42; what:
Failed to verify code signature of /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/ : 0xe8008016 (The executable was signed with invalid entitlements.)
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Were you ever able to figure out the issue with the invalid entitlements? I wasn’t and am still stuck.
is there already support for A8 and A12 devices?
Did Apple break Impactor? It only gets to step 26 or 27 and then I get Cydia error 42 when I try to install unc0ver beta 46.
Me too. (See below)
i need the latest ipa i cant find it here
is there a bigboss repo in cydia?
can’t find and add
I can jailbreak my iOS 6 plus rose gold 12.1.2 but I want to jailbreak my new iOS Xmax in June 💁what’s a girl to do 😂💋👠
Cydia keeps closing when I click on it anything I should do to fix this??
I noticed theres a expiry in uncover tool
What does this means
Im stuck in a bootload on my iphone 7 please help!!!
me too my iPhone 8 is in a bootloop after restart from unc0ver…i try to downgrade to 12.1.1 beta3
do I need the TVos thing or am I good to jailbreak with out it
literally every link I click on take me either to the top of this page of to a completely different website with no download links
My ipad is 12.1 and can’t jailbreak unsupported plss reply
Not for a12 chips?
Hi I’m Dasnd Vid a small YouTuber and I’m subscribed to your channel for awhile now and I was wandering why I’m banned from commenting to your channel videos?
does this work on A9 chips
Yo having a serious issue on Iphone SE… Cydia install success but apon trying to open it refuses to open. Tried re-jailbreaking, got jailbreak successful message- phone restarts back to square 1 with cydia app visible but failing to launch… Any advice… Please??
UPDATE: Increase RAM (Beta) turned on fixed issue after re-break
Please get the video up for tutorial I’m wayyy to excited for this
Up super soon (uploading now).
can this 12.1.1?
what if i have the previous ios 12 (non cydia) jailbreak installed? would i have to uninstall it?
I’m so confused we’re is it
Working on a8?
Is Unc0ver Jailbreak untethered or not?
nope, semi. explained here:
A12 please be next😩
It’s coming soon. Stay tuned and bookmark this page, it’ll be updated the second it’s out.